Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Does anybody have some tips for painting the finger nails on my right hand with my left hand?

I love to have my nails painted from time to time but I can't get my right hand to look good because my left is a bit shaky when I try so I hardly ever have them painted. Any ideas? Thanks!Does anybody have some tips for painting the finger nails on my right hand with my left hand?
omg i knoww. i hate this problem too..

usually, i ask my sister or my mom to help me do the other hand.

if i cant, then i just try to go as slow as i can to apply the polish.

it might also help if u practice on a piece of paper first with ur left hand. i know that sounds silly, but it actually helps and prevents the shakiness.

hope this helped u:) please answer mine:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>Does anybody have some tips for painting the finger nails on my right hand with my left hand?

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