Sunday, August 1, 2010

If they really drove gigantic nails thru the hand and feet of jesus wouldnt he have fainted and bled to death?

if they really drove gigantic nails thru the hand and feet of jesus wouldnt he have fainted and bled to death? i just dont see how its possible that they drove gigantic nails thru his hands and feet and hung him on a cross. maybe im crazy but something doesnt make senceIf they really drove gigantic nails thru the hand and feet of jesus wouldnt he have fainted and bled to death?
He didn't bleed to death. He suffocated. Do some research on ancient Roman torture techniques.If they really drove gigantic nails thru the hand and feet of jesus wouldnt he have fainted and bled to death?
Hahahah are you freaking serious, Big Time Yankees Fan? You really think some movie made by some drunk is an acurate represntation of what happend? And by read the bible you must mean the cover.
whats there not to make sense of he was a strong man and don't forget what he was doing was a completion of a prophecy, he was God in flesh, he was put on this earth to die...he was the sacrifice for our sins, instead of like they did back in those days a animal,

why would he have to faint..he was god in flesh, he was strong..why would he have to faint....and he did bleed ,to death....what do you think killed him..just hanging there would not have done it...unless he hung there for 5-or more day with out food or water...if you haven't read the Bible ....with you having a computer you have access to any information you want on the Bible....if you want to know and learn ..check out some of the sites
It seems incredible, I know, but crucifixion was a common practice in the Roman empire. People actually wouldn't die from bleeding to death though - most would die of suffocation. Every time the person on the cross breathed, they'd have to lift their whole chest to get in enough air. After a few days, they would be so exhausted that they couldn't do it anymore.
If you are really interested, there is a web site that you can type in the words crucifixtion, and it will tell you the physiology of perishing by means of this horrid style of execution. He went through more than we can imagine, to save us.
The spikes went through his WRISTS not his hands. And hint, he DID die.
Yes, he died in just a few hours from loss of blood and cardiac failure. Doctors who studied the Shroud of Turin with an image of a man with eeringly similar wounds received by Jesus as described in the Gospels come to this conclusion. He died faster than most who took 1-2 days because he received a severe pre-scourging from Pontius Pilate's soldiers who thought that would have been sufficient to soften up the ones who were asking for him to be crucified to death. He was already in critical condition from shock due to loss of blood while carrying the cross which is why Simon of Cyrene had to help him shoulder it.
First, it was through the wrists. Second, with the hands elevated, the bloodflow was poor. There are areas of the feet with mostly bone and little major bloodlines.
I thought Jesus died of exhaustion! Now where did you get this info of them putting gigantic nails thru him?
He did faint and bleed to death. That was the whole idea behind the crucifixion.
You're first mistake-you take the bible too literally

Second mistake-You're talking about jesus here! If he can cure the blind and walk on water then he can survive bleeding to death
Why don't you goggle Crucifixion.Romans killed every one in this same manner.
They actually put the nails through his wrist and ankles because hands and feet aren't strong enough to support the entire body. They also cut him on the side not exactly sure where but some where on his stomach to help him bleed out faster. This was the normal way for the government to kill people back then and it wasn't a fun or pretty death. They starved to death too. There were two men up there on crosses with Jesus too.
the whole body is in horrible shock. eventually they suffocate from collapsed lungs and can't breath anymore. that is why romans would break their legs too end it.
he probably did yoga to control his sympathetic nervous system. you know, it controls bleeding and the vessels.
I think you under the same misconception that a lot of christians are under that dying by crucifixion was some sort of unusual death that Christ was given because of who he was. Crucifixion was very common. Many people died on the cross back then. Jesus could have died from many things, but besides the nailing he was beat beforehand and he was stabbed in the side with a sword. He also, according to the Bible, had to allow himself to die, so it's possible he allowed this to happen and died from some completely diff reason technically. This is part of the reason I dont really see why the cross is used as a sacred symbol. If Jesus had been killed with a guillotine or a gun would people be wearing those around their necks.

Plus, the torture of Christ, which was bad, was not really the true reason why we should be grateful for the death of Christ. Yes Christ had to die for our sins, but that was the final process of the atonement which actually started in the Garden of Gethsemene. It was in the garden that the most pain and suffering occurred. This is where he truly took upon the sins of the world. If anything or place should be worshipped then its that. Not a cross or his death but what he did in that garden. The atonement is meaningless to those that don't get that what is important about Christ is that you accept that atonement so that you actually actively atone or repent of your sins.
people have different pain thresholds, i would think, however, that Jesus would have been in far too much pain from the beatings and such to ever be coherent on the cross. And the nails would have been more like railroad spikes with rough edges. It's hard to imagine someone not screaming out in intense pain.

I'm amazed at the ignorance and arrogance of some of these Christians writing responses - they are so wrong about the details - simply amazing ignorance.
Read your Bible. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all talk about this. Also if you haven't watched it rent The Passion of the Christ.

And acutally the nails were driven through his wrists as if they were through his hands, they would have ripped as the flesh there is very thin. Yes he did faint. In Matthew there was a time when he just stopped talking he was also offered vinigar to drink, but with God's help he came to so that he can be able to finish what he was sent here to earth to do.

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